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Core Java - Interview Questions and Answers for 'Java module' - 9 question(s) found - Order By Newest

 Q1. Why do we have multiple core java jars in java 9 ?Core Java
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 Q2. What is the concept of modules in Java 9 ?Core Java
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 Q3. How modules are different than packages in Java 9 ?Core Java
Ans. Modules are independently build units and contains multiple packages.

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 Q4. How Java 9 helps in building light weight applications ?Core Java
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 Q5. Do we need different class loaders for different modules in Java 9 ?Core Java
Ans. No, We can use the same class loader.

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 Q6. What is ModuleDescriptor ?Core Java
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 Q7. What is ModuleLayer ?Core Java
Ans. A Module layer is created from a graph of modules and is a function that maps modules to their class loaders.

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 Q8. Difference between named and unnamed modules ?Core Java
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 Q9. What is the use of Requires, Exports, Opens and provides within Module Descriptor ? Core Java
Ans. Requires specifies the dependencies for the module, i.e the modules required for this module to function.

Exports specifies the packages exported by the module.

Opens specifies the packages opened by the module.

Provides specifies the services provided by the module

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   Like         Discuss         Correct / Improve     java 9  java modules   java 9 modules

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